Welcome from the Superior
The Society of St. Anna the Prophet (SSAP) is a dispersed monastic community of Episcopal women over the age of fifty. We are lay and ordained, single, married, partnered and widowed, retired and still employed. The SSAP is an inclusive community, committed to diversity and to racial healing. We are open to the influence of other traditions, and some our Sisters practice meditation and draw from non-Christian spiritual practices.
The community is dedicated to a way of life and to ministries which demonstrate the Godliness of old age, both in our own lives and the lives of those to whom we minister. We are a community of prayer. Each Anna has a soul friend or spiritual director, and our lives are structured around prayer, both individual and corporate – prayer for each other, for those we love and for the greater world. In response to the isolation of the pandemic, we turned to Zoom and other virtual platforms, which have made our common life more accessible to all of us. Since March of 2020, we have gathered on Zoom for Noonday prayer each day except Sunday.
Our primary ministry is to elders, particularly those unable to attend a parish church, and we also have corporate and individual ministries to the very young. Before the pandemic, Annas worked together on ministry teams to celebrate Eucharistic liturgies and offer pastoral care in six elder residences in the Atlanta area. We are beginning to return to our congregations as it becomes safe, and we are delighted to be back.
The SSAP was founded in 2005 by the Rev. Nan Baxter, who served as the founding Superior of the Society from 2005-2022. I am honored to have been elected by my Sisters to serve as the second Superior, for a five-year term.
Do you feel a calling to ministry with elders? Do you long to live more intentionally into your own aging and deepen your life with Christ? Are you drawn to the structure and spiritual life of a vowed monastic community? If so, we hope that you will prayerfully consider discerning a vocation with the SSAP, and we would be delighted to talk with you about it.

Address is 1655 Rainier Falls Drive, Atlanta, GA 30329